Over 20 years later, I am now located in the tranquil West Sussex countryside where I have my own extensive workshops, bulging restoration stores and an ever growing array of traditional tools complimented by contemporary conservation equipment.

I now have a far greater spectrum of knowledge than I could ever of have expected and I am still enjoying every moment.

Almost all of my long-term and new clients are within Central or Greater London and surrounding counties. On occasion I have found myself completing extensive projects throughout Europe and as far away as the United States and Middle East.

My clients range from longstanding West End antique galleries and 20th Century furniture dealers, to well respected and established international interior design agencies and the occasional embassy. However, amongst this varied crowd I have a wonderful collection of passionate private collectors whom I very much enjoy working with to either look after their collection or bring back to life a new acquisition whether from auction or a cherished family heirloom.

With regular weekly or fortnightly trips into London to collect new projects and deliver completed items in my own ample sized van complete with tail-lift, so I am able to transport larger items of furniture safely.

I find the majority of new client’s stem from word-of-mouth and recommendation.

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